GoMeasure4me.com is a site where I share my experiences, tips, and design process for my real-life projects in the U.S. and across the world. My roots are Polish (which is where I get my sexy accent from 😊). I am based (most of the time) in Chicago, IL, but I also love going to Panama in Central America and to Spain in Europe. The projects I work on are for my residential and commercial clients. Here you will learn about how I approach each project, which tools I use, and how I use them. You will also find the best and most cost-effective resources for all of your needs. I even share the ups and downs of my professional journey so you can learn from my mistakes! I post frequently, but since 3D technology makes constant advancements, I strongly encourage you to subscribe to my site so that you do not miss a post. Post notifications will help you stay on top of all the changes affecting 3D design technology today…
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