Custom Prototype (Title Block) in Advance Steel – How To Edit Properly

Custom Prototype (Title Block) in Advance Steel

Advance Steel comes with several preset drawing Title Blocks, which is fine in the beginning, but as you make drawings for your clients, you will probably want to customize the look of your pages. Here is how to properly customize your Title Blocks (Prototypes) in Advance Steel.

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Accessing Prototypes Location

You can find the Edit Prototypes command in the Output ribbon tab:

Output tab > Document Manager panel > Edit Prototypes

Access Custom Prototypes in Advance Steel
Access Custom Prototypes

Opening Prototype Location

Once you access the Edit Prototypes tool in the Output ribbon tab and click it, you will access the Prototype location on your local disc. 

Note: The prototypes need to remain in this location for Advance Steel to work properly. 


The dialog box will open with all the prototypes available in Advance Steel:

Opening Prototype Location in Advance Steel

The prototypes are saved as prototypes for AssembliesSingle Parts, etc.

Editing Prototype

When you decide which prototype you want to edit, double-click it or click on it and click the Open button. Your prototype will open in a new window tab. The important thing to note is that you can keep the default prototypes, then you need to save your edited prototype with a different name but in the same folder location. If you wish to override the default prototypes and not keep them, save to override them.


The drawing is made of blocks as shown below:

To edit the prototype, you need to right-click on the block you want to edit and choose the Block Editor option:

Make required changes inside the Block Editor. Once you are done making changes, hit the Close Block Editor. Do not change the name of the blocks because your prototype won’t work properly.

Text & Attribute Definitions

The table fields are made of Text and Attribute Definitions, as shown below:

Attribute Definitions:

The TEXT and Attribute Definitions work like regular AutoCAD functions.

Replacing Autodesk Logo

Replacing the default Autodesk logo with your company logo is probably the most important procedure of customizing the Title Block.

Open your company logo in Microsoft Paint or any other photo-editing software. Select all and hit Ctrl+C on your keyboard.

Next, go to: 

Tools tab > Paste > Paste Special

Next, confirm your picture type by clicking the OK button. The dialog box will open:

Confirm that you are pasting a Paintbrush Picture by clicking OK. Your copied picture will be inserted into a table. By dragging the blue square boxes in the corners of your picture, you can resize the picture to fit your size requirements:

Once you are done editing your Logo and the Block, press the Close Block Editor button on the ribbon. Keep the name of the block; do not change it because your modifications won’t work.


Your Custom Prototype is all done.

Opening Your Drawing In Your New Custom Prototype

Once you are ready to create a detailed sheet – from the Prototype (template) list of available templates – choose the one you just modified to be used as your Template in order to produce the new Detailed Drawing.

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