UCS – Advance Steel User Coordinate System Explained

The location and orientation of 3D objects in Advance Steel depend on the location and orientation of the UCS – User Coordinate System. Because Advance Steel is a modified AutoCAD platform, the AutoCAD coordinate system is used to locate and orient objects in space. 

All the buttons to control the UCS are located in the Advance Steel Tool Palette.

UCS World. Sets the location origin.

UCS with 3 Points. Defines the location of the new UCS, specifying 3 points in space.

UCS View. Locks the X,Y axis to the current view.

UCS at an Object. Inserts the UCS at the location of the object of your choice.

UCS at at Curved Beam

UCS at Bisecting Line

Moves the UCS. Specify a new origin for the UCS without rotating the X, Y, or Z axis.

Defines the Coordinate System. Select an object and define the CS – Coordinate System.

Rotate UCS around X axis

Rotate UCS around Y axis

Rotate UCS around Z axis

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